We Lost…But We Won A LOT!


Sometimes that forest looks so beautiful from WAY UP! Yet we mustn’t forget that along with all those trees is a LOT of weeds and rough terrain when you get down to the nitty gritty.

Over the years, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has fostered a tradition of success on and off the proverbial “Field”. Winning becomes an expectation on campus.

DUDE! Some of us couldn’t make a Rec League team but we know ALL KINDS of solutions to make our teams better. Not saying it’s not possible…just a little improbable. After all, maybe you see something these coaches just missed in all those hours.

Nonetheless, as a fan, it’s frustrating that you can’t do anything about it except show up and boo or cheer when you’re supposed to. And it’s REAL too.

Coming off of a loss when the rewards are so Great, we tend to lose sight of all the good that came out of it, regardless. In regards to a storied program like UNC Basketball, the expectations are always high.

Key wins and steady progress is addictive. You work so hard and try to do all the things you were taught and trained for and it actually works! Time passes and you get better and more familiar with the process of success.

Just as important to the process of success is acknowledging that it doesn’t come without messing things up along the way. I’ve messed up quite a few times in lots of different jobs. Looking back, though, I feel like I’m way better equipped to explain a better option.

This can be useful if you continue to get better at the things you’re good at, using the insight of having messed up on certain things previously.

When my team loses, it sucks for a while, but then I still have to learn new things and continue to be productive.

I also like to think about how much success we DID have. A lot of teams and people don’t get to the stages a lot of our student athletes and competitive academics get to. For a lot of people those stages are inconceivable from the perspective of their experiences. Yet, it’s amazing how many people around us have achieved amazing things.

I’ve been around long enough to have seen patterns. Based on that, I’m optimistic. Of course there will be a LOT of behind-the-scenes work and conversations going on which will determine how far off more success will be. Just keep in mind that there are a lot of smart people doing a lot of work to, simply, IMPROVE.

This past semester, The UNC Field Hockey Team won the National Title. The men’s and women’s soccer teams are perennial powerhouses. The Lacrosse teams, tennis, golf, rowing, fencing, football…and a whole host of others who don’t get as much visibility. Just know this. I run into a lot of people who work hard to make the culture of winning (and having winning expectations) more of a norm.

Everyone likes to win. Nobody likes to lose. So let’s look at our successes mixed in with our defeats and realize how awesome we are with the POTENTIAL to become even better. All we have to do if we mess up a little is diligently try to correct those mistakes and do more of what we’re good at.

Let me know if you feel this message or not. If you have any insights of your own, feel free to comment where you see fit.


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DJ D-Train